Davy Crockett
Other Crockett running
“Should we check his pulse?”
Comment from a runner or pacer seeing me laying on the trail at mile 93
During my first ultrarunning year, I ran in the 2005
The race is run near
We planned a vacation to visit family in
We arrived at the start/finish location, Silver Hill Meadow, in the early afternoon on Friday. I checked into the race and attended the entertaining race briefing. This year they discovered that the course had been 2.5 miles short of 100 miles for the past few years. 2.5 miles were added to the first part of the race in order to make it an official 100-miler.
Me at Silver Hill Meadow
After the race briefing, my crew and pacer arrived, Carl Hutzler of
miles |
goal |
goal |
2005 |
Start |
0 |
4:00 AM |
0:00:00 |
Densmore Hill |
7 |
5:10 AM |
1:10:00 |
0:54 |
15.3 |
6:40 AM |
2:40:00 |
2:27 |
S. Pomfret |
17.5 |
7:05 AM |
3:05:00 |
House |
21.1 |
7:50 AM |
3:50:00 |
3:51 |
U-Turn |
25.1 |
8:40 AM |
4:40:00 |
4:38 |
Rd |
30.1 |
9:40 AM |
5:40:00 |
6:15 |
12 |
33.9 |
10:25 AM |
6:25:00 |
7:21 |
Vondell Res |
35.8 |
10:50 AM |
6:50:00 |
8:02 |
39.2 |
11:45 AM |
7:45:00 |
8:50 |
House |
41.4 |
12:15 PM |
8:15:00 |
9:35 |
Lillians |
43.5 |
12:43 PM |
8:43:00 |
10:15 |
Farm |
45.6 |
1:08 PM |
9:08:00 |
10:59 |
Camp 10
Bear |
47.2 |
1:33 PM |
9:33:00 |
11:28 |
Pinky's |
51 |
2:33 PM |
10:33:00 |
12:55 |
Birminghams |
54.1 |
3:23 PM |
11:23:00 |
13:53 |
Brook |
57 |
4:11 PM |
12:11:00 |
14:46 |
Hill |
60.2 |
5:11 PM |
13:11:00 |
16:06 |
Margarittaville |
62.1 |
5:39 PM |
13:39:00 |
16:36 |
SH |
65.1 |
6:24 PM |
14:24:00 |
17:22 |
Camp 10
Bear |
70.1 |
7:34 PM |
15:34:00 |
18:52 |
Seabrook |
74.4 |
8:47 PM |
16:47:00 |
20:20 |
Winds |
77 |
9:32 PM |
17:32:00 |
22:12 |
Goodmans |
81 |
10:42 PM |
18:42:00 |
Shed |
83.6 |
11:27 PM |
19:27:00 |
Bill's |
88.6 |
12:52 AM |
20:52:00 |
Keating's |
92 |
1:45 AM |
21:45:00 |
Polly's |
95.3 |
2:41 AM |
22:41:00 |
Sargent's |
97.9 |
3:25 AM |
23:25:00 |
Finish |
100 |
4:00 AM |
24:00:00 |
The Crocketts under the tent at the start
We spent the night at the Pond Ridge Motel, about 20 minutes from the start area. I actually managed to sleep about four hours before getting up at 2:30 a.m. to get ready. We arrived at the start with a half hour to spare and quickly found Carl who had camped at Silver Hill Meadow. The wait for the last few minutes before a 100-miler is always odd. You feel great but know that in a few minutes the torture will begin. Because this race is in the east, there wasn’t anyone I recognized to wish luck. With five minutes to go, I shed my jacket and made my way to the start line. My plan was to start fast and bank a bunch of miles while I still felt good.
The 100-milers are off and running down the road
At 4:00 a.m., we were off, running down the road – about 200 of us. I carried in my hand a headlamp to light the road for the first hour or so. The roads would be pretty smooth so tripping shouldn’t be a problem. I soon settled in not far behind the leaders. For the first mile the leaders were only a hundred yards ahead. As I started to get warmed up, I maintained an initial place right behind the second pack for runners. There were probably about 12-15 runners ahead of me. I was feeling great as we made our way up and down dirt roads passing by many ranches and farms. Because I train at 5,000 feet or higher, I could really feel the difference at this low altitude. It didn’t feel like I would get tired. The clear dark sky was blazing with stars. After about a half hour, I was still feeling very fine and just couldn’t hold back, I passed the runners in the second pack and set the pace for them for a couple miles. I arrived at Densmore Hill (mile 7) at 1:02. It was a very fast start to a 100-miler.
Dawn arrives
Signs of dawn started to appear. We could hear birds chirping and roosters
crowing. In the dark it seemed like the
race directors were making us run in a constant circle as a joke. I remember having this thought as Hiroki
Ishikawa (finished 5th) passed by me. As the light finally appeared, the beautiful
green hills of
With about 15-20 runners ahead and about 180 behind, I
discovered that it became pretty lonely near the front of the pack. There weren’t any large groups to run with or
talk to. At times I couldn’t see any
runners ahead or behind me for long stretches. The
morning run continued to go well. The
leading woman runner passed me about the 2:30 mark. I arrived at
Me, running through a forest road in the morning
I arrived at the first crewing station, Pretty House (mile 21.1) at 3:32. It was great to see Carl. I think he was surprised to see me so soon. He let out a cheer and went to work. I really didn’t need much, just a refill, so I only stayed for about a minute. I continued on strong and arrived at U-turn (mile 25.1) at 4:19. I was just a mile shy of a marathon and still cranking at a fast pace. Those that passed me looked like strong, young runners.
The Endurance Ride
At the 5:16 mark I pulled out my mini-recorder and recorded the sound of horse hoofs. I said, “Well, the horses caught up with me a little after the 5-hour mark. (They started an hour after the runners). About ten horses have passed me now. I’m getting close to the Stage Road aid station. The second-place woman just passed me. During this section, I slowed down quite a bit. I was passed by about 15 people who were cruising pretty well. I’m in my rhythm now. It sure is pleasant – lots of shade. We went up on a high grassy ridge that was fun coming down. Most of it is forested road with some trails with some short muddy sections.” My main problem that would plague me for the rest of the day was a sore toe. The toe next to my small toe sometimes starts swelling up and is painful with every step. This flared up and started to slow me.
A crazy crew vehicle. The sign on the headlights reads:
No Whining, No Stopping, 100 Miles
I arrived at Stage Road (mile 30.1) at 5:23. It was just a mile shy of 50K. Still a nice fast pace. Carl really let out a cheer when I arrived calling out my name, Davy Crockett. I could hear other crew members ask, “Is that really his name?” They joined in the crazy hooting and hollering. It looked like Carl was having a good time.
The rest of the morning went pretty well. I reached Vondell Reservoir (mile 35.8)
at 6:34 and
My next problem was my bad knee that was scoped four years ago (torn meniscus). The pavement and very hard dirt roads for the past few miles was really taking its toll on my knee. This is what is annoying about this course. My knee started to ache bad and started to slow me down some more. At 7:40 I took out my recorder and said with labored breathing, “Well, I’m grinding up a hill, in the heat, paved, hurting my knee. I’m at about mile 41. I’m doing OK, about a half hour ahead of schedule. I’ll see Carl again in about six miles. It’s getting warm. At least there is a breeze otherwise it would be pretty oppressive. (Noise of car passing). It is mostly sunny, only a few clouds up there that aren’t getting in the way. People are still passing me, but less frequently. I’m content to just stay on my schedule. If I can get through this heat. I have quite a ways to go before sunset. (noise of another car passing). Cars go by really fast, not very courteous. This hill is pretty steep.”
A runner on the course
I continued on, staying ahead of pace going into the next aid stations. I noticed that at the aid stations I caught up and re-passed many runners. I pushed it hard going into Camp 10 Bear (mile 47.2) at 9:13. Carl yelled like crazy as I arrived. He noticed that I looked pretty hammered and he guided me to the medical station where I was weighed. I was doing fine and felt pretty well hydrated. Carl then guided me to a chair near his jeep. He had everything from my drop bags laid out and ready for me use. A perfect crew!
Carl made these observations in a quick email to my backpacking buddies. “He looked a little wobbly but he was still going. Of course he looked wobbly last night before the race too. He got some hammer gel a half a sandwich and a sock. I think he left a water bottle behind (I didn’t) but thankfully its is only 8 miles to the next station where I can give it back to him. So he is 20 mins in front of his 24 hour finish pace. And he is now allowed to start slowing down at bit in the final 50 miles to sub 4 mph speeds.”
The quick rest at Camp 10 Bear was nice, but I got up and Carl pushed me on my way. Next up was a big 23-mile loop, returning to Camp 10 Bear gain. In 2005, this loop really killed me. But this time, I was three hours ahead of that pace! I pushed on and reached the 50-mile point at about the 10:15 mark. I was very pleased.
I really enjoyed running on the soft, muddy trail sections through the forest. At one point, I noticed very old rock walls lining this rough trail. I stopped to look closely and speculated that the rock walls looked like they were built in the 1800s. This must have been a turnpike used to travel between towns. One runner passed me and complained about the muddy, rough trail. That surprised me because I was loving the more technical soft surface. I had had enough of the hard dirt roads.
My next problem was that I discovered that I had a severe sinus infection. It really worried me and I wondered how it would affect the rest of my race. I took a decongestant and did my best to try to deal with it. In a couple hours I would start feeling better. As I was in a zone, I took a wrong turn and then heard runners behind me yelling. That was nice. I quickly got back on course. Earlier I met a runner who really missed a turn and ended up doing an extra five miles. That would really be a bummer. But the course was very well marked. Instead of using flags on trees, they used yellow pie plates on stakes that were very noticeable.
Getting food and trying to stand up at an aid station
I saw Carl again at Tracer Brook (mile 57) at 11:48 (almost 4 p.m.). I was still 23 minutes ahead of my pace goal. I commented to Carl that I didn’t look forward to the next long hill that had almost made me quit two years ago. He wished me well and said he would next see me at Camp 10 Bear, ready to start running with me. I really looked forward to the company.
An Endurance rider crossing a field
During this next leg I didn’t see a single runner ahead or behind me. I pushed up Prospect Hill, no problem. I recalled how two years ago I started to cramp in a leg and the heat was terrible. At that time I saw a car coming and planned to ask for a ride to the finish. But a pacer for an older runner started to talk to me and convinced me to keep going. The sun went down within an hour, cooled me down, and I found my second wind. This year, I felt much better. The cool breeze was great. I recalled how in 2005 that darkness hit me at the Margarittaville aid station. My flashlight was at Camp 10 Bear so I had to borrow one from another runner. This year, dusk was still hours away, but Margarittaville was full of life. For the next two legs I really cruised. I finally started to pass a few runners for the first time. The downhill sections were nice and very enjoyable.
Me feeling good, clowning around
I arrived back at Camp 10 Bear (mile 70.1) at 15:06 to the cheers of Carl. He yelled, “Wow, you are ahead of schedule.” He commented that I looked much fresher than I did 23 miles ago. I did feel great. He brought me to a chair and we worked on my problem toe. The doctor came by and tried to ask me how I was doing. I was concentrating so hard on my foot that I didn’t answer him. “Well, you must not be doing very well if you can’t answer me.” Oh, that woke me up. I explained I was doing great. He asked about my collar bone wound and I explained it was nothing, from a two-week-old fall. I changed into a new shoe, a clean shirt, ate a cheese burger, and rested for about 15 minutes. Carl cleaned up my mess, gathered his things and away we went. It was very fun to have Carl along.
We immediately had to tackle the steepest climb on the course. I had Carl lead. to push a good pace. We were closely followed by Dave Yeakle, from Virginia, who we would see on and off for the next 8 hours or so. I loved the forest trails. As we reached the top, I blasted down the trail very fast and Carl did his best to keep up. This was the general pattern for the next couple hours. I would go a slower pace up the hills but run like crazy down the soft single-track trails. At one point Dave Yeakle commented, “there he goes, Downhill Boy.” The sun went down and we finally had to pull out our flashlights. Next I showed Carl the fun of blasting down trails in the dark. There were many glow sticks hung on the course making it very easy to follow the trail throughout the night. We arrived at West Winds (mile 77) at 17:15. We were still doing great, 17 minutes ahead of schedule. I was also nearly six hours ahead of my 2005 pace at this point. I remember the section that I started to bonk like crazy, almost knocking on the door of a house for help at 2:00 a.m I finally just staggered down the road until I received a ride to the finish from a passing car. This year there was no doubt I would finish.
Carl did a great job trying to keep me on pace. Using his GPS he would set a 15-minute-mile pace that I would at time struggle to keep up with. But with my quick downhill runs, we were able to average things out pretty well. I went through some low points. I probably wasn’t eating enough, but I continued to press on. About a mile before Cow Shed (mile 83.6) I had a second wind and started to sing at the top of my lungs as I ran a good fast pace. Carl commented how terrible my voice sounded. What do you expect after 80 miles, Neil Diamond? We cruised past several runners as I sang a song from the 70s. We arrived at Cow Shed at 19:11. Carl asked the volunteers if they could DQ me for terrible singing. He couldn’t get me to stop. I laughed. Things were going great, we were still 16 minutes ahead of schedule and knew that we could walk it in and still break 24 hours.
The next stretch seemed to take forever as I started to struggle more. I was hit by drowsiness that just wouldn’t go away. At times I started to zig-zag down the road. I would also close my eyes and listen to Carl’s steps in front of me to keep me going in the right direction. But I almost fell into a ditch several times. We kept pushing forward. It seemed like a lot more work. We arrived at the major aid station, Bill’s (mile 88.6) at 20:45, now only seven minutes ahead of schedule. I knew I was losing my time buffer fast.
At Bill’s I drank soup and Coke, and ate sandwiches. As I was resting for a few minutes, a woman came in and sat across from me. She was in tears, in obvious intense pain. The volunteers and medical staff went to work on her. Her feet were the problem. They weren’t blistered, but hurting terribly. They went to get ice packs. I watched it all carefully with interest and concern. Why were we doing this to ourselves? She continued to cry but wasn’t talking about giving up. We left before the ice packs arrived. We had stayed too long. I knew my pace schedule was now in trouble.
As I climbed the hill going out of Bill’s, all of a sudden, I veered sharply to the left off the trail and almost fell flat on my face. I had almost fainted. That spooked me and I backed off my pace for awhile. I had never experienced that before. I’ve stumbled in a sleepy wobble before, but never almost passed out on my feet.
Things were rough at that point. Carl did his best to try to speed me up. On the downhills I would do fine and push a 12-minute-mile pace, but on the hills and flats I was slowing way down. Finally I just had to stop. I hoped that a five-minute nap would boost some life into me. I looked around for a place to stop and chose a ditch by the road that I could lean up against. I closed my eyes. It felt so good to stop. Runners passed by and asked if I was OK. I heard a car stop. “Is he OK?” “Yes,” Carl replied, “he’s just taking a nap.” “Oh, he is just sleeping.” I smiled and thought, thanks everyone for waking me up! Carl and I talked about my pace. We both recognized that a hope for a sub-24 finish was probably going away. Here I was with only ten miles to go in less than three hours. I knew I didn’t have it in me but I pushed on as hard as I could.
We arrived at Keating’s (mile 92) at 22:04. I sat down for a five-minute rest. I was wasted. Runners caught up to me and I saw Dave Yeakle for the last time. I wanted to sleep, but had to press on. I heard a volunteer comment that about 80 runners had passed through, that there were still more than half of the runners behind on the trail. That got my attention. Despite my struggles, there were tons of runners who still had many more hours left on the trail.
We pushed on again. At some point I again had to stop for a quick “nap.” I chose some rocks in the middle of the trail. As I laid on the trail with my flashlight still beaming, I heard a runner and pacer pass me. “Should we check his pulse?” That made me smile and woke me up.
From that point on, I no longer cared about finishing time or place. We basically just coasted home. We arrived at Polly’s (mile 95.3) at 23:37. At the 24-hour mark, I commented that we should have finished by then. It seemed very strange to be finishing a 100-miler before the second sunrise. That really is a challenge because my roughest points are usually before dawn. The sunrise always brings new energy. The birds started to chirp and we saw a glow in the sky. I actually enjoyed the last four miles or so and was very surprised that no runners passed us despite our slow pace. Everyone behind me was also slowing way down. With about a mile to go, Carl started to whine about more uphills. It seemed like they would never stop. We climbed what I knew was the last major ridge and started to descend into the finishing valley. We still needed to use our flashlights in the dark forested sections.
the finish area came into view. Carl
encouraged me to finish strong so we started to run strong. As the finish line came into view, he started
to sprint, saying something about beating me. I couldn’t let that happen, so I sprinted like
crazy and we crossed the finish line laughing. I finished in 25:18. I finished in 78th place. It was good respectable time and I indeed got
revenge on my 2005 DNF. I had a very
strong 90 miles this year. Those last
ten miles were tough. It happens
Me and Carl at the motel.
I went into the medical tent to warm up with a blanket. The medical staff came by, took a look at me and said, “you look just fine.” I guess I did look much better than some poor souls moaning in cots next to me. I only stayed for a few minutes. Linda and Conner arrived, missing my finish by only five minutes. I got up from the cot, went and ate some pasta, and then was anxious for a shower. Carl went and broke his camp and followed us to the motel. I came out of the race OK, just the usual aching feet, sore knee and sore hip.
Read a newspaper story.
Elevation and Pace for last 30 miles. Note sprint at the end.
My actual split times below
miles |
goal |
2005 |
2007 |
Start |
0 |
0:00:00 |
Densmore Hill |
7 |
1:10:00 |
0:54 |
1:02 |
15.3 |
2:40:00 |
2:27 |
2:15 |
S. Pomfret |
17.5 |
3:05:00 |
2:40 |
House |
21.1 |
3:50:00 |
3:51 |
3:32 |
U-Turn |
25.1 |
4:40:00 |
4:38 |
4:19 |
Rd |
30.1 |
5:40:00 |
6:15 |
5:23 |
12 |
33.9 |
6:25:00 |
7:21 |
6:07 |
Vondell Res |
35.8 |
6:50:00 |
8:02 |
6:34 |
39.2 |
7:45:00 |
8:50 |
7:14 |
House |
41.4 |
8:15:00 |
9:35 |
7:49 |
Lillians |
43.5 |
8:43:00 |
10:15 |
8:18 |
Farm |
45.6 |
9:08:00 |
10:59 |
8:51 |
Camp 10
Bear |
47.2 |
9:33:00 |
11:28 |
9:13 |
Pinky's |
51 |
10:33:00 |
12:55 |
10:19 |
Birminghams |
54.1 |
11:23:00 |
13:53 |
11:07 |
Brook |
57 |
12:11:00 |
14:46 |
11:48 |
Hill |
60.2 |
13:11:00 |
16:06 |
12:47 |
Margarittaville |
62.1 |
13:39:00 |
16:36 |
13:09 |
SH |
65.1 |
14:24:00 |
17:22 |
13:53 |
Camp 10
Bear |
70.1 |
15:34:00 |
18:52 |
15:06 |
Seabrook |
74.4 |
16:47:00 |
20:20 |
16:34 |
Winds |
77 |
17:32:00 |
22:12 |
17:15 |
Goodmans |
81 |
18:42:00 |
18:28 |
Shed |
83.6 |
19:27:00 |
19:11 |
Bill's |
88.6 |
20:52:00 |
20:45 |
Keating's |
92 |
21:45:00 |
22:04 |
Polly's |
95.3 |
22:41:00 |
23:37 |
Sargent's |
97.9 |
23:25:00 |
24:36:00 |
Finish |
100 |
24:00:00 |
25:18:00 |
OvrAll Class Age
Place Bib Place Group Name
Location Time
----- --- ----- ----- ----
-------- ----
1 86 1 M40/49 Andy Jones-Wilkins Ketchum
Id 15:53:45.00 9:32
2 93 2 M40/49 James Kerby Carnation Wa 16:11:09.80 9:42
3 148 3 M40/49 Jack Pilla
Charlotte Vt
16:30:20.70 9:54
4 200 4 M40/49 Todd Walker
Amherst Ma 16:53:04.90 10:07
5 85 1 M30/39 Hiroki
Ishikawa Kanagawa 16:56:37.30
6 105 2 M30/39 Daniel Larson
Cambridge Ma 17:49:01.70 10:41
7 77 3 M30/39 Adam Hill
Orilla Ont 18:06:03.00 10:51
8 54 5 M40/49 Nathan Echols
Long Valley Nj
18:34:55.50 11:08
9 163 6 M40/49 Timothy Roy
Manchester Nh
18:50:35.60 11:18
10 126 7 M40/49 Randy Miller
Ramsey Nj
18:55:51.20 11:21
11 184 1 M20/29 John Szymanski
Berlin Ct 19:04:14.20 11:26
12 158 1 M50/59 Herman Richards
Stockton Nj
19:20:21.00 11:36
13 143 4 M30/39 Jason Patch
Topsfield Ma 19:30:11.20 11:42
14 29 1 F30/39 Mary Churchill
Morrisville Vt
19:41:13.80 11:48
15 203 5 M30/39 Stephens Wells
Cumberland Me 20:27:37.80 12:16
16 172 8 M40/49 Kevin Shelton-Smith
Yonkers Ny 20:30:26.80
17 21 2 M50/59 Dan Brenden Phoenix Az 20:31:11.00 12:18
18 108 2 F30/39 Lori Lebel
Danvers Ma 20:36:43.80
19 133 9 M40/49 Steve Noone
Glenmoore Pa 20:45:29.00 12:27
20 135 10 M40/49 Andrew C Novis Newton Ma
20:46:36.50 12:27
21 187 2 M20/29 Ryan Thomas
Temple Terrace 21:04:52.40 12:38
21 188 3 M50/59 Bill Thomas
Marysville Wa
21:04:52.40 12:38
23 40 6 M30/39 James Demer Falmouth Me
21:10:07.00 12:42
24 111 4 M50/59 Dan Lehmann
Helvetia Wv
21:19:58.60 12:47
24 10 11 M40/49 Kevin Sayers
Frederick Ma 21:19:58.60 12:47
26 33 5 M50/59 Michael Courtney
Albuquerque Nm 21:26:08.40 12:51
27 216 3 F30/39 Elizabeth Carrion
New York Ny 21:27:20.50
28 103 12 M40/49 Byron Lane
Stony Brook Ny
21:32:18.80 12:55
29 181 1 F40/49 Ronda Sundermeier
Tigord Or
21:36:15.60 12:57
30 97 3 M20/29 Charlie Krautmann Quechee Vt 21:36:29.30 12:57
31 161 7 M30/39 Dan Rose
Washington Dc 21:40:49.20 13:00
32 109 13 M40/49 James Leclare
Severna Park Md
21:44:52.00 13:02
33 65 14 M40/49 Prasad Gerard
St.Leonard Md
21:45:54.50 13:03
34 189 8 M30/39 Bill Tryon
Kennett Square 21:48:36.70 13:05
35 140 2 F40/49 Kerry Owens
Washington Dc 21:52:07.50 13:07
36 7 9 M30/39 Jamie Anderson
East Waterboro 22:09:55.50 13:17
37 32 15 M40/49 David Corfman Cincinnati Oh
22:24:42.90 13:26
38 75 3 F40/49 Ruth Ann Helfrick Elysburg Pa
22:24:50.40 13:26
39 23 16 M40/49 Joe Brown
High Falls Ny
22:27:27.50 13:28
40 147 4 F30/39 Brenda Phillips
Plainfield Vt 22:29:43.70
41 130 4 M20/29 Christopher
Fairless Pa 22:31:52.50 13:31
42 3 1 F20/29 Lauren Adams
Park City Ut
22:45:03.30 13:39
43 144 5 M20/29 Oz Pearlman
New York Ny
22:46:07.70 13:39
44 48 10 M30/39 Kevin Dorsey
Cordova Tn
22:46:46.50 13:40
45 59 11 M30/39 Ron Farkash Plainville Ma
22:53:07.80 13:43
46 80 6 M50/59 Barry W
Hopkins Regina Sk
22:57:53.80 13:46
47 47 17 M40/49 Jon Docs
Tampa Fl
22:58:23.00 13:47
48 206 12 M30/39 Markus Wiaderek Ile' Bizard
Qc 23:06:52.80 13:52
49 84 4 F40/49 Marianna Inslec Mechanicsville
23:07:56.90 13:52
50 79 18 M40/49 John Holt
Woodstock Ny
23:09:54.90 13:53
51 173 7 M50/59 Norm Sheppard
Bedford Ma 23:17:52.10 13:58
52 100 6 M20/29 John Lacroix
Dover Nh
23:19:53.70 13:59
53 196 8 M50/59 Paul R Vinci
Ludlow Ma 23:23:58.90 14:02
54 124 9 M50/59 Grant Mckeown
New York Ny
23:26:25.30 14:03
55 106 19 M40/49 Joseph Laskey E Monroe Ct
23:28:53.50 14:05
56 137 13 M30/39 John Patrick
Bradford Ma 23:30:39.50 14:06
57 150 14 M30/39 Ryan Prentiss
West Roxbury Ma 23:35:57.00 14:09
58 195 20 M40/49 Robert Villani Providence Ri
23:40:07.80 14:12
59 88 21 M40/49 Cory T Johnson
Ogden Ut
23:41:10.40 14:12
60 41 15 M30/39 Joe Desena Pittsfield Vt 23:41:32.30 14:12
60 141 2 F20/29 Kate Pallordy
Lisle Il 23:41:32.30
62 219 16 M30/39 Shiran
Kochavi Princeton Nj
23:44:47.40 14:14
63 114 17 M30/39 Greg Loomis
Arlington Va
23:45:55.00 14:15
64 78 22 M40/49 Joe Holland
Hanover Nh
23:47:20.30 14:16
65 39 7 M20/29 Matthew Davis
Annapolis Md
23:55:32.30 14:21
66 190 8 M20/29 Scott Urbashich
Annapolis Md 23:55:34.60
67 134 23 M40/49 Craig Norquist
Paradise Valley 23:55:56.90 14:21
68 98 18 M30/39 Andy Kumeda Torrance Ca
23:57:32.10 14:22
69 162 19 M30/39 Phil Rosenstein
Brown Deer Wi 23:59:12.60
70 125 5 F30/39 Jane Meyer
Lyme Nh
24:06:31.10 14:27
71 145 10 M50/59 Kim Peterson
Pittsburgh Pa 24:11:44.10 14:31
72 5 5 F40/49 Lorie Alexander
Vernon Bc
24:36:17.40 14:45
73 16 6 F40/49 Julie Berg
Big Lake Mn
24:41:49.20 14:49
74 56 1 F50/59 Maggie Everett
Ashville Nc
24:47:13.60 14:52
75 94 11 M50/59 Al Kershner Hamburg Pa
24:57:19.30 14:58
76 212 24 M40/49 Dave Yeakel
Jr Falls Church Va
25:09:34.70 15:05
77 193 25 M40/49 Roy Van Buren
Reading Ma 25:12:50.90 15:07
78 36 26 M40/49 Davy Crockett
Saratoga Springs 25:18:19.20 15:10
79 149 27 M40/49 John Powers
Magnolia Tx
25:27:04.10 15:16
80 110 28 M40/49 Euihwa
Lee Newton Pa
25:29:16.40 15:17
81 116 12 M50/59 Terry Madl
Park Ridge Il 25:37:37.90
82 28 13 M50/59 Robert Cervero Lafayette Ca
25:50:40.20 15:30
83 205 20 M30/39 Patrick Wheatley Otterburn Park 25:52:02.80 15:31
84 95 14 M50/59 Jamshid
Khajavi Kirkland Wa
25:52:48.50 15:31
85 90 29 M40/49 Maurice Kelleher
Hermon Me
25:54:00.70 15:32
86 17 2 F50/59 Vicki Blais Ipswich Ma
26:02:46.30 15:37
87 107 30 M40/49 Damon Lease
Randolph Vt
26:04:14.50 15:38
88 9 31 M40/49 Rob Apple
Murfreesboro Tn
26:16:57.40 15:46
88 155 21 M30/39 Joe Reger
Jr Atlanta Ga
26:16:57.40 15:46
90 138 9 M20/29 Ryan O'dell
Granville Ny
26:28:37.90 15:53
91 45 15 M50/59 Randy Dietzy Harrisburg Pa
26:48:21.00 16:05
92 204 1 M60/69 David E Westlake
Sheridan Wy 26:49:35.70
93 99 2 M60/69 Yi-Joo Kwon Palisades Park
26:56:21.70 16:09
94 66 7 F40/49 Cindy Goh Sausalito Ca
26:57:07.20 16:10
95 63 32 M40/49 Joe Galioto Branchburg Nj 26:57:41.80 16:10
96 198 8 F40/49 Barb Wagers
Bennett Co 27:00:56.30 16:12
97 49 22 M30/39 Geno
Dube Manchester Nh 27:11:08.20 16:18
98 15 33 M40/49 Gary
Bennington Mont-Royal Qc 27:12:08.80
99 201 16 M50/59 Jeff Washburn
Newbury Ma 27:12:53.50 16:19
100 6 3 F50/59 Lois Alexander
Merrimac Ma 27:14:47.00 16:20
101 167 6 F30/39 Krista Schepanovsky
Harvard Ma 27:15:46.50 16:21
102 104 1 F60/69 Carol Laplant
Berkeley Ca 27:17:19.30 16:22
103 35 17 M50/59 Paul Crickard
Columbia Md
27:17:22.90 16:22
104 211 3 F20/29 Liz Wood
Sheridan Wy
27:21:12.50 16:24
105 180 3 M60/69 Pete Stringer
Osterville Ma 27:24:27.00 16:26
106 74 7 F30/39 Sarah Heck
Standish Me 27:42:09.60 16:37
107 146 18 M50/59 Steve Peterson Greshon Or 27:43:19.50
108 68 19 M50/59 Gary Goodman
Lynn Ma 27:47:51.10
109 136 34 M40/49 Shane O'banion
Ascutney Vt
27:56:56.90 16:46
110 178 35 M40/49 Nick Stoneman
Faribault Mn
27:57:41.70 16:46
111 101 10 M20/29 Jim Lampman
Cato Ny
27:57:47.20 16:46
112 71 36 M40/49 Donald Halke Ii Newport Pa
27:58:25.50 16:47
113 207 20 M50/59 Markus Wieneke
Oak View Ca 27:58:30.90 16:47
114 62 23 M30/39 Mike Frank
Bel Air Md
28:05:20.40 16:51
115 64 37 M40/49 Tim Gavin
Jarrettsville Md
28:05:22.00 16:51
116 222 4 F50/59 Rosemary Evans
Flemingsburg Ky 28:08:05.70 16:52
117 191 21 M50/59 Bruce Urquhart
San Diego Ca 28:13:34.10 16:56
118 53 24 M30/39 Darin Dunham
Glen Allen Va
28:14:49.00 16:56
119 24 38 M40/49 Roger Byrom New York Ny 28:15:19.30 16:57
120 11 22 M50/59 Charlie Bachmann
Murrieta Ca 28:20:40.50 17:00
121 83 23 M50/59 Carl Hunt
Roxbury Ct 28:21:38.90
122 169 24 M50/59 Robert Scott
Watertown Ct 28:23:48.40 17:02
123 31 39 M40/49 Frank Colella Scarsdale Ny
28:30:37.00 17:06
124 87 25 M50/59 Robert Jensen
Cotvit Ma
28:41:09.90 17:12
125 121 40 M40/49 Michael Mcculley
Pensacola Fl 28:41:52.90 17:13
126 174 25 M30/39 Michael Siltman
Middletown Il 28:45:42.10 17:15
127 30 4 M60/69 Wayne Coates
Sonoita Az
28:46:55.60 17:16
128 131 26 M50/59 Hugo H Mujica
Greenwich Ct 28:56:56.00 17:22
129 202 41 M40/49 Xy
Weiss Villa Park Ca
29:03:31.30 17:26
130 12 9 F40/49 Sandy Beauvais
Guilford Ct 29:19:48.50 17:35
131 132 27 M50/59 Fred Murolo
Cheshire Ct 29:35:50.60
132 27 5 F50/59 Eveyln
Carter Albuquerque Nm 29:45:30.00
133 152 26 M30/39 Mark Radan
Germantown Md
29:47:06.60 17:52
133 153 42 M40/49 Jeff Radan
Rockville Md
29:47:06.60 17:52
135 69 10 F40/49 Alicia Gordon
Woodbury Mn
29:47:34.00 17:52
136 157 6 F50/59 Jean Richards
Stockton Nj
29:47:46.30 17:52
137 122 43 M40/49 Pat Mcfalls
Pennellville Ny
29:48:57.60 17:53
138 8 44 M40/49 Ed Angso
Manalapan Nj
29:49:14.50 17:53
139 218 45 M40/49 Carl Camp
Wilimington De
29:51:53.60 17:55
140 175 1 M70/80 Karsten
Louis Glendale Az
29:52:44.50 17:55
141 209 5 M60/69 Walker Williams
Buena Vista Ga 29:53:27.00 17:56
142 117 11 F40/49 Claire Martin
Newbury Nh
29:54:11.70 17:56