From John Stapp: The other story was told to me by Sister Bair, the wife of our mission president from 1977-1980. It exemplifies the childlike faith of so many members of the Church in Paraguay.

In Paraguay rainstorms can be fierce, often dropping several inches of rain in a few hours and turning the streets literally into rivers. One Sunday there was one of these storms. Streets turned into rivers. Sister Bair recognized a sister and knew that she always had to walk to church. Sister Bair asked how the humble sister was able to cross the street, turned river, to get to church. The sister told her, "Sister, I knew that the Lord wanted me to get to church. So, I prayed and told Him, 'I know you want me to get to church, so please provide a way for me to get to church.' When I got to the deep water, the Lord parted it so I could walk across."