May 8, 2004
On Saturday, I extended my one-day hike record to 37 miles, hiking over Lake Mountain, weaving through the foothills to Nutty-Putty Cave, and exploring the foothills of the Tintic Mountains. Brady Wycherly and I started at 3 a.m., and topped Lake Mountain at 5 a.m. We then parted, Brady heading home and me continuing down the road south. After leaving the foothills of Lake Mountain, I went through some pretty desolate desert until making my way back to hills, heading toward
Rattlesnake Pass. I hiked over a hill and discovered a beautiful valley with several groups camping. It turned out I stumbled on the Nutty-putty cave area. I was just about out of water, so I turned beggar and obtained a couple liters from some campers. After getting hydrated again, I felt much better and decided to keep on trekking past chimney rock and onto the foothills of the Tintic Mountains. At about the 32 mile mark, I could tell that I hit the wall, so I headed straight east
toward Redwood road near the Bayview landfill. At that point I called Linda who came and picked me up at 3 p.m. It was a great hike, but the weather was too warm…time to hit the mountains.