November 30, 2002
This week’s adventure was with Pablo Riboldi along Price River in a deep canyon through the Book Cliffs as the river heads toward Green River. It was interesting. The landscape was desolate, it reminded me somewhat of Grand Canyon or lower Paria. We did see a couple mountain goats very close, cruising down and up the canyon.
We ran/hiked 13 miles in 2 1/2 hours and hiked half-way up toward the plateau above, to get a nice view at sunrise. We had planned on going further, but the trail turned into either rock-hopping on one side of the river or crossing the icy river, hopping icy rocks. We chose the whimpy approach and headed back. It was a nice hike, temperature in
upper-20s/low 30s.. We still shed our outer layers and were quite warm. We arrived home at 11:30 a.m.